Thursday, June 7, 2007

Maybe They Think We'll Forget...

...But I bloody well won't, and I won't let them, either.
It's too bad the clowns in D.C. will be blaming each other for the Shamnesty Bill failure - we know that's a convenient dodge, do we not? I believe I know the real reason, how's about you? Could it have been the multitudes of phone calls, faxes, and emails, that all said basically the same thing: "You sell us out on THIS ONE, Rat Fink, and you can kiss your cushy D.C. job adios!" Or possibly, "Enforce the laws on the books. Build the Fence. Or LOSE YOUR JOB."
Naah, couldn't have been.
As for me, I'm going to follow through with a great idea I saw someplace else on the 'Net: I'm going to get several bricks - one for each senator and each representative - and with a black marker I will inscribe them thus: ENFORCE EXISTING LAWS - SECURE THE BORDER - DENY BENEFITS TO ILLEGALS
I am going to deliver each one to the local offices of our politicians. No, not by air mail; I'm going to take them inside and place them gently on the office managers desk and say, "Please see to it that Senator/Representative_____ gets this message." I wish I could remember where on the 'Net I got the idea. If enough people did this...can you imagine? I can! Of course, I'll be writing emails and letters, too. Always remember, my friends and fellow citizens: if enough of us raise hell with the politicians, they'll roll... 'cuz if there's anything a politician loves, it's his freakin' job, and if he thinks he might lose it because of some position he's taking, that sucker will roll over, and damn fast. Witness the failure of the Shamnesty Bill.

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