Saturday, June 2, 2007


I'd say, "Un-B-F'in'-Believable", but hey, this is Congress...
My own Senator Kyl, wha'hoppen, eh? Last year he said he'd not support an amnesty, and now? Backslappin' and grinnin' with that FatDrunkenSorryExcuse(Kennedy, that is) over this crock referred to as Immigration Reform.
Y'know, I get the impression that the folks in D.C. don't care what we think...LOL! If you look at the polls they so dearly love to cite, a sizable majority wants
secure borders first, followed by enforcement of existing laws. I have a number of friends who are naturalized citizens - (hells, my great-grandfather on my dad's side came over from Germany at the turn of the century) and they're pissed. They learned english, took the test and the Oath, and they have to watch as our own senators practically give citizenship to people who have broken the law.
Well, since I started this post, the situation has grown even more interesting: The Prez and Homeland Security Chief Chertoff have taken to insulting all of us who oppose this crap/amnesty, implying that we're racists, unpatriotic, etc. That's pretty funny. I'd love to hear any of those boys call me that to my face - I'd then pull out a pic of my wife & kids and say, "How's that again, Asshole?" The disconnect is becoming intense; I heard on talk radio yesterday that, in Phoenix alone, has collected at least 26,000 signatures to shove over Kyls desk, and McCains also. Let's face it, folks: The only way we will stop this is to raise hell and NOT let up. This will probably pass the Senate, at the rate they seem to be rolling blithely by us, but we can, and must, derail this in the House. Continue to call your senators and your representatives - I have - and voice your displeasure. People this really does work! I've been active in 2nd Amendment and Motorcyclist rights issues, and when these folks see how many of us are actively against it, and that they just might really lose their precious positions, they roll over fast. BUT - we have to be consistent and LEAN in them, or they'll shove it right up our asses. LEAN. LEAN HARD. Phone calls, faxes, whatever means you can use. Telegrams work, too! DON'T LET 'EM DODGE US ON THIS!

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