Friday, June 10, 2011

Far Between And Few - And A Re-Visitation

In time I return here, look over old posts and attempt to spew forth new. Not as often as I'd like, but I'll be damned if I'll just post a bunch of fluff, signifying nothing...
I was surfing a few days ago and landed at one of my faves, American Digest. Scrolling down I noted a post wherein Vanderlun dropped a tidbit about the section of enviro-nutz labeled as Gaians, and how, according to another writer, these folks have infiltrated high levels of government. Leaving that aside, it was some of the comments that disturbed me. I ended up commenting on the post and suggesting that, for some of the folks in the conservative movement,a little enlightenment was in order, and referenced a previous post here.
I have no issue with folks having their opinions. What I have an issue with is opinionated folks lumping pagans of all stripes into one bag, implying that if we're not christians, we're all enemies of the Republic as it was established by the Founders.
There was even one comment suggesting we should be sacrificed to Gaia.
Excuse me?
Where in the Constitution is a Qualifying Religion Requirement for being a citizen, much less a Patriot? I must have overlooked it!
This junk is spewed forth by the very folks who make such a stink about the intolerance of the lefties. Not only that - I'm gonna whip out a little somethin' from the, uh, so-called right side of the fence - yuck - seems to me that there's an organization out there which stands close to the funerals of our soldiers with nasty signs about how "God Hates.." Get the picture? Should I be like the commenters, lump all you followers of the Teacher from Nazareth with the Phelpsians?
The reality is, unlike you, I won't. I know too many folks, some in my own family, who aren't like that, and don't deserve to be tarred with the same brush.
To the rest of you I say, do a little homework. Read a post or two by people who are of a similar mindset to me. We're around, you see. Some of us hesitate to put our spirituality out for others to see, for the very reasons I've attempted to define.
I know that, for my part, there is no small fear that the majority of our fellow citizens will content themselves to sit on their hands while fools and the politicians who use them spew Marx/Alinsky garbage as they attempt to crush this country into their very own swamp of socialistic excrement. Can we pull it back from the brink? I can guarantee you this: if the mindset of "You-can't-be-a-conservative-if-you-ain't-got-Jesus" persists, people like that punk-ass Ayers and his pals will be laughing at us while we collapse and fail due to our own infighting.
Gods help us...

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