Self-important li'l cupcakes going on about eating the rich, redistribution of wealth, down with corporations - all the while sporting their various electronic gadgets, wearing their mass-produced shirts with the slogan or portrait of choice(oh, the irony, it burns!), and getting mad when not being allowed to go into a nearby restaurant for the express purpose of using - and possibly vandalizing - the crapper. I found Ed the 3rd especially hilarious. I can't even remember what he was squealing about, I started laughing, then had to shut it off after he got through a few sentences. It was too painful to finish. (I find myself doing something similar with "Fail" or "Funniest" style videos - can't bear to watch the dopes crash and burn for the sake of getting on the Internet or TV.)
What I see is a grip of pissants. I've got nothin' for 'em. (Yes, I said 'grip' - as in, 'a bunch of''.)
Go ahead and try telling me about how entitled you are to what I've earned with sweat and pain.
Tell me how I should send you donations and food as you talk trash about the country of my birth, walk on, stomp on, crap on the flag that represents it, the place where even punks like you can do all that and not be arrested or 'disappeared'. Unlike in the countries some of your mentors would have this country turned into. Gods, you don't even listen to yourselves.
But that's okay.
While I must suppress my desire to rub your face with that feces-violated flag, I won't lift a finger to stop you from saying any of the ignorant, childish or unutterably stupid things that you do. Because unlike you, I'm not a hypocrite. While you might try to shout me down, or even (if you're really, really stupid) threaten me with violence when I try to speak, you won't get that treatment from me - I believe in the principles this country was founded upon - all of them, applied equally to all of us.
I started a family too young. Got off my butt after living off of my in-laws for months too long, started sweeping and mopping floors for minimum wage. Moved up to a production bakery job which paid enough for me to afford my first house, and also allowed me to make enough mistakes that I lost the place and took a bankruptcy a little over ten years later. I'm grateful there was a fall-back, however much I hated to use it; I had my family to consider, and living on the street was not an option I'd allow. I worked two jobs, getting up at 0600 and going to bed at 2300, and so did my wife. We muddled along but my kid didn't starve or go homeless. Moved back here when the main job ran out and prospects for staying looked bad. Had a job waiting when I got back - Thanks, David - and started all over again. Muddled through some more. Got divorced. Paid back over 13k in taxes and fines without borrowing, in five years, so that I & my new wife (and she had stuff of her own to pay off, too, which she did) could purchase our first home - a home built by folks with the same dreams as I, of having, and owning, things we earned by our work. We've had our financial ups and downs. I've been on unemployment once during that time, getting back a little of the money that I and my past employers put aside for that purpose. We've given of ourselves, and received in the times we needed -as loans, to be paid back. Because I've had the ability and a good job, my wife has been able to stay home and do the majority of the really hard work and raise two fine fellas, as well as be there for my first boy when he needed someone to talk to. I was in an accident and off work for four months, but the LTD from work and some assistance from the family got us through. We didn't plop ourselves down on the street downtown and demand that somebody feed us and pay our bills. We got through the tight spots by getting rid of fluff like cable tv and other non-necessities. When it hasn't been tight I've spend plenty of my hard-earned extra cash on my passion - rebuilding basket case motorcycles and riding them all over the western US.
I've made it happen by wo
When the country prospers by way of the things people with money do, we all prosper - those of us that aren't actively trying to leech off of the rest, anyway. I don't count those who are unfortunate through no fault of their own and need help to get back on track as leeches.
You spoiled brats with your signs and slogans, you aging hippies who never saw a bad cause you couldn't get behind, you parasites who demand that others should give up what is theirs so you can take it without a fight - get stuffed.
You're 99% nothing.