Monday, December 8, 2008

So Much For That

Yeah, okay, medical updates are boring.
Since I've had much more time on my hands, I've been surfing the 'Net a great deal more. Nice to see I'm not the only one idling about on a keyboard. I tend to reserve comment on most goings-on, simply because SO many people have so much to say already... I can only read so many posts that are variations on a theme before I find myself thinking "Alright! ALRIGHT! I get it, you're (insert adjective here) about (insert subject here), and there are folks out there who agree!" Therefore, I shy away from beating a dead horse, most days. I can only hope that the passion for issues I see expressed is matched by action; that's really the main thing, in my view. I can carp all the livelong day about things I feel strongly about, but if I don't take action - whatever that action may be, voting, calling the congresscritters, etcetera - then it's all meaningless, just another rant disguised as my opinion.

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