Sunday, May 13, 2007


April posting went away 'twixt school and work, thus the title. Not that it was a bad thing, just real busy, and the latter half of April was leading up to the current state of Yours Truly: my left arm is a-sling. This a result of an arhthroscopic foray to relieve me of ongoing pain, that being a result of gravel and motorcycle interaction - I went down and thumped the shit outta my left shoulder. I didn't feel much besides a little muscle ache early on, and so chose not to check into an ER - road rash and I being acquainted time and again, after all, so why pay the big $ when I can scrub it out myself, right? A couple'a months further on, I reaches behind to turn down the work comm radio, and yeeaagsonnuvamotherhumper#*% you get the picture...with a pain-driven tear in my eye I get the idea that there just might be somethin' to my workmate/older bro Joe's suggestion a few days before that I better get that looked at...
Which leads to the sling.
May is not the best of times to be off the bike; hells, there is no good time to be off the bike, ya know?

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